Mini Puzzle
The Flumpsteins
What's this?
Meet the Flumpsteins! A curious family of five, plus snowball the cat! They’re always up to something interesting and new. Fred, Finn and Fran say hi!
The paper pulp used to create all Le Puzz puzzles is earth friendly and harvested from a sustainably managed forest.
The paper pulp used to create all Le Puzz puzzles is earth friendly and harvested from a sustainably managed forest.
Welcome to The Flumpstein family newsletter!
It’s been an eventful year: Ms. Flumpstein finally retired from the Hole-in-One Doughnut factory — bee-keeping is now her favorite new hobby. Mr. Flumpsteins has been putting the finishing touches to his book, Short Stories for Plants, sure to be a bestseller! Fred, Finn and Fran are all thoroughly enjoying Circus School and Snowball the cat has been keeping out of trouble (a welcome change after the drama of last year!). As a family we have many hobbies including, bread-making, cheese-curdling, stone-skipping, ghost-hunting, knot-tying, tie-dying, kite-flying and cake-baking. With love, The Flumpsteins

Featuring Fred Flumpstein - or wait maybe this is Finn? Actually, I think this is Fran. Yes definitely Fran Flumpstein. We're constantly getting them mixed up.

It's that time of year and the Flumpsteins are getting ready to celebrate! Decorate, snack, puzz, and be marry with those you love. <3

Our puzzle die lines are hand drawn in-house and feature many silly shaped pieces. There are big ones and small ones, short ones and and tall ones but we promise no gemini edge pieces.

Catch up with the Flumpstein family in their newsletter on the back of the box. Read about their hobbies including "bread-making, cheese-curdling, stone-skipping, ghost-hunting, knot-tying, tie-dying, kite-flying and cake-baking."