
Series 6
Big Sammy
What's this?
Pile on the pieces, this puzzle is a real mouthful! Big Sammy is our version of the classic giant sandwich puzzle motif. Start with the crust, or rather, the edges.
The paper pulp used to create all Le Puzz puzzles is earth friendly and harvested from a sustainably managed forest.
The paper pulp used to create all Le Puzz puzzles is earth friendly and harvested from a sustainably managed forest.
Be kind to yourself, make a sandwich!
I heard someone once say that a sign of good self-care is making oneself a very thoughtfully prepared sandwich. Not only are you making something for yourself that’s potentially delicious but taking the time to make it look really good too. This is especially true if no one is even there to see it, you don’t make a video of it for content or take photos to show anyone, it’s just for you - a special secret little sandwich snack. Go on then, buy that heirloom tomato this weekend at the farmers market, add some dill to your mayo, toast your bread (in a pan with some butter if you’re really feeling it), and plate it with a pickle and some chips. Be kind to yourself, make a sandwich!

A puzzle so fun it’s going to be hard to contain your excitement. May induce spontaneous outbursts such as: Olive Sandwiches! Olive Puzzles! Olive Everyone! Olive You! Olive Le Puzz!

Gather around and play America’s Cheesiest Pastime! The Game that has *one rule and one rule only — toss the cheese! *game does include +9 bonus rules

Our puzzle die lines are exclusive to Le Puzz and are random cut meaning every piece is different than the next! Detail above of the 500 pc. die line to give you a sense of the kinds of pieces you might encounter. Our 500 piece puzzles are extra-thick — quite possibly the thickest puzzle pieces on the market to date.

A sandwich this tall didn’t make itself! We would like to thank our good friend and genius food stylist Maya Bookbinder for helping us build this towering tasty totem.