Series 2
Freaky Deaky
What's this?
Freaky Deaky is our collaboration with marbling artist Myfawnwy. Her bright colors, smiling faces and swirling patterns make for a freaky deaky good time.
The paper pulp used to create all Le Puzz puzzles is earth friendly and harvested from a sustainably managed forest.
The paper pulp used to create all Le Puzz puzzles is earth friendly and harvested from a sustainably managed forest.
If Positive Mental Attitude Was A Puzzle.
Let’s face it, sometimes the world is too hot to handle and you just need a puzzle to escape into. We’re ecstatic to introduce to you our freaky deaky little friend, a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, a smile as wide as the open sky, a bed of flowers in the month of May. Don’t get bogged down in their psychedelic swirling whirls, get lost and let them take you away to someplace brighter. Warning: may cause positive mood swings as this puzzle exudes an attitude of gratitude!

Details above by marbling artist Myfawnwy. A purple brow, a smokey eye and kissy lips

We make our 500 piece puzzles extra thick for a snug fit and extra-high flippability.

Our puzzle die lines are exclusive to Le Puzz and are random cut meaning every piece is different than the next! Detail above of the 500 pc. die line to give you a sense of the kinds of pieces you might encounter. Our 500 piece puzzles are extra-thick — quite possibly the thickest puzzle pieces on the market to date.

We’re not all fun and games. Just kidding! We are. Back of the box details include an interview with artist Myfawnwy and a spot the difference game.