Mini Puzzles
Head in the Clouds
What's this?
Daydream with us. What do you see? What’s in your minds eye? What could it be? We see shapes in the sky and imaginary friends. Keep your head in the clouds, it’s magic my friend.
The paper pulp used to create all Le Puzz puzzles is earth friendly and harvested from a sustainably managed forest.
The paper pulp used to create all Le Puzz puzzles is earth friendly and harvested from a sustainably managed forest.
Keep Your Head in the Clouds
Look out the window, a Moncksqueeble bird, a fantastic creature oh haven’t you heard? It’s big yellow wings have just taken flight, oh my my what a fantastic sight. Wait, oh my goodness, what’s that over there? It’s the world's largest butterfly with two squigs of hair. It’s wingspan is wider than a giant aircraft, so don't be surprised if you look down and laugh. There’s an eye on it’s wing and a dot on it’s nose and a cloud just above where the swirling wind blows. What else do we see from this staggering height but a witch on a broom that’s just flown out-of-sight. Were they casting a spell? Well, we may never know. Quick! Make a wish! Is it starting to snow? So the next time you’re flying way high in the sky, by flapping or puffing or gliding on by. Take a moment to study these wondrous things that fly up so high and joy that they bring!

We would watch this witch as she whooshed away and we would wonder why we waited and watched but wow oh wow, was it worth the wait.

Our mini puzzles feature pieces that are not mini but in fact quite regular sized. Banana's not for scale.

Our puzzle die lines are hand drawn in-house and feature many silly shaped pieces. There are big ones and small ones, short ones and and tall ones but we promise no gemini edge pieces.

Learn about the Moncksqueeble bird and the World's Largest Butterfly (with two squigs of hair) on the back of the box! Written and illustrated by Angela Kirkwood.